The Glossop VAH Project
 Glossop VAH Project
 Glossop VAH
Queen Street Sumners Place

Queen Street

233-261 High Street West

Sumners Place


Kelly’s Directory
Clowes Mary (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 237 High street west
Rowbottom Maria (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 259 High st. west

Kelly’s Directory
Rowbottom Maria (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 259 High st. west


The Glossop flood 1971. Photograph courtesy of Cliff Hales.


The Glossop flood 1971. The people in the photo appear to be sheltering under blocks of Polystyrene whilst a Bedford coal truck braves the elements, followed by a VW Beetle. Photograph courtesy of Cliff Hales.


Photo taken in 2014 by Glossop VAH.